A few years back I asked Brandon to construct me a boat. A little people boat. He had no blue prints, no clue how to build this prop that I nagged him about everyday. He built this from scratch based on a drawing I made. Then, he carried it everywhere I needed. #BestHubbyEver
The first photoshoot I did was for me. I wanted to turn my daughter into the world's most basic hipster. The epitome of a instagram hipster. Tattoos. Beanie. Boat. Joshua Tree shirt. I carefully planned out every single detail. I even enlisted help in my very hipster friends, asking them questions about their favorite books and drinks.
For this photoshoot I wanted something dainty, dreamy, and vintage. I put a Lacey Lane dress on her, and decorated the boat in fake florals from Michaels. Added in a few vintage tea set items. I was lucky to have a soft breeze, and dreamy sunset.